THANK 🦃 YOU! Gobble Gobble
about 2 years ago, Mandy Wolfe
Thanksgiving meal thank you
GOOD LUCK, LADY BOBCATS! 🏀🐾 7th Grade Girls Basketball is playing for the Regional Championship on Wednesday, November 23rd at 5:30 PM against Saint Malachi in Rantoul! Please come out and cheer on our Bobcats! We would love to see your support for the girls!
about 2 years ago, Mandy Wolfe
7th Grade Girls Regionals
Dress up day tomorrow!
about 2 years ago, Mandy Wolfe
dress up day flannel
about 2 years ago, Mandy Wolfe
JH Boys Basketball
Mr. Loy brought 11 groups of students to State Speech Contest in November. They performed memorized duet speeches, improv duets, and one small acting group speech. They all worked very hard and brought home a lot of 1st place medals. In all, the JH students had 9 groups in 1st place and 2 groups receiving 2nd place. We are so proud of their accomplishments!!
about 2 years ago, Mandy Wolfe
jh speech
jh speech
jh speech
jh speech
Dress up on Tuesday!
about 2 years ago, Mandy Wolfe
flannel dress up day
The Junior Class Pastry Fundraiser orders will come in today and be ready for delivery!
about 2 years ago, Mandy Wolfe
about 2 years ago, Mandy Wolfe
HS girls basketball game
Our Kindergarten Class has been learning about the first Thanksgiving. They wrote different vocabulary words from our story and then made headbands like the native Americans!
about 2 years ago, Mandy Wolfe
kindergarten thanksgiving headbands
kindergarten thanksgiving headbands
kindergarten thanksgiving headbands
kindergarten thanksgiving headbands
Pride Night was a success! Thank you so much for showing your Donovan Pride! Wiley the Wildcat even made an appearance. We are a lucky school community! 🏀📣👯🖤💛
about 2 years ago, Mandy Wolfe
Pride night
Pride night
Pride night
Pride night
Wildcat Spirit Gear made by our Business Class is here! Place your orders today!
about 2 years ago, Mandy Wolfe
Wildcat spirit gear flyer
wildcat spirit gear flyer
Donovan CUSD #3 would like to take this opportunity to show support for our board of education and the individual school board members who are committed to providing a local voice for our educational decisions. November 15 marks the official statewide observance of School Board Members Day in Illinois. School Board Members Day is an occasion to recognize board members who serve as unpaid volunteers for the benefit of the students and the community. They act as the front-line education advocates providing a local voice and vision for the district by putting in place the educational priorities of area residents. Today, we acknowledge our school board’s role in creating educational opportunities that meet the goals set forth by the community for their children. These goals are measured by providing a quality education and a pathway to a successful future for each and every student. It’s also an opportunity to acknowledge that it takes partnerships and communities working together toward these common goals to ensure they are achieved. A huge thank you to each one of our school board members for everything they do for Donovan Schools! Joe Schultz - President, David Munson - Vice President, Christopher Brown - Secretary, Kelly Frey - Member, Abby Frye - Member, Brian Gouwens - Member and Alison Setty - Member.
about 2 years ago, Mandy Wolfe
School Board Member Appreciation Day
Tonight! 🏀❤️🖤💛 #donovanpride
about 2 years ago, Mandy Wolfe
HS Girls Basketball
JH Boys Basketball
Our JH Cheerleading POPCORN fundraiser begins today! If you would like to order, please ask a JH Cheerleader or email Orders are due by November 28th!
about 2 years ago, Mandy Wolfe
JH Cheer Popcorn Fundraiser
JH Cheer Popcorn Fundraiser
Coffee with the Superintendent!
about 2 years ago, Mandy Wolfe
coffee with the superintendent
We thank you for your service!
about 2 years ago, Mandy Wolfe
happy Veterans Day
Wear Red, White and Blue to support our Veterans tomorrow, November 11th! #supportourveterans
about 2 years ago, Mandy Wolfe
Veteran's Day Dress up flyer
Attention Veterans: Attend this Saturday's Junior High Basketball Game for FREE! There will also be a short ceremony to show our appreciation and gratitude.
over 2 years ago, Mandy Wolfe
veteran's day basketball game free admission
The Watseka Elks Lodge Coat Giveaway! Any Child in need of a winter coat is invited to the Watseka Elks Lodge Coat Giveaway on Sunday, November 13th from 10AM - Noon. Thank you so much to the Watseka Elks Lodge!
over 2 years ago, Mandy Wolfe
coats for kids
Wear Red, White and Blue to support our Veterans on November 11th! #supportourveterans
over 2 years ago, Mandy Wolfe
Veteran's Day Dress up flyer