Senior Night!
over 1 year ago, Mandy Wolfe
Senior Night
Congrats to Gracie Sanders and Connor Stahlschmidt, seniors at Donovan High School, for receiving an academic honor from @CollegeBoard National Rural and Small Town Recognition Program for their excellent achievements in school and on assessments. We believe there’s so much that makes our students unique and that’s an asset to colleges and scholarship programs. We’re proud to celebrate our students and their hard work in high school. Doing the work is the hard part. Being recognized for it should be easy. And for students planning for life after high school, the award is an opportunity to get recognized by colleges that are actively looking for diverse talent. With this award, we can help more students celebrate that. Way to go, Gracie and Connor!
over 1 year ago, Mandy Wolfe
college board national recognition
Connor Stahlschmidt
Gracie Sanders
A fun, family night!
over 1 year ago, Mandy Wolfe
movie in the park
Congratulations, Zoey! We are very proud of you for receiving the FIRST positive referral and for being so kind!
over 1 year ago, Mandy Wolfe
Positive referral
Reminder: Picture day is tomorrow!
over 1 year ago, Mandy Wolfe
Picture day
We hope you had a great long weekend!
over 1 year ago, Mandy Wolfe
Labor Day
Congratulations to our Junior High Softball Team on their win last night! They also celebrated Bailey, Callie, Chloe and Jenna for 8th Grade Night!
over 1 year ago, Mandy Wolfe
softball winner
Cross Country Meet! Our newly formed team is off to a great start this year! We are proud of all of you!
over 1 year ago, Mandy Wolfe
cross country meet
cross country meet
cross country meet
cross country meet
cross country meet
Good Luck to our Junior High Softball Team at their home game tonight!
over 1 year ago, Mandy Wolfe
JH Softball
Good luck to our Wildcats tonight!
over 1 year ago, Mandy Wolfe
Good Luck Athletes
Congratulations to our JV Volleyball team on their WIN last night! Way to go, girls!
over 1 year ago, Mandy Wolfe
volleyball winner
over 1 year ago, Mandy Wolfe
picture day
Watseka Public Library offers access to our school district families!
over 1 year ago, Mandy Wolfe
Watseka public library
over 1 year ago, Mandy Wolfe
Help wanted
Our high school cross country team absolutely crushed it at their first meet of the season! They performed well despite the scorching hot weather. If it had been one degree hotter, the meet would have been cancelled. Great job Wildcats! Way to start off your season!
over 1 year ago, Mandy Wolfe
cross country meet
cross country meet
cross country meet
cross country meet
E-Learning Announcement!
over 1 year ago, Mandy Wolfe
e learning update
Cross Country practices have officially begun! Their first meet, The Saber Corn Classic, is at The High School of St. Thomas More on Saturday, August 26th.
over 1 year ago, Mandy Wolfe
cross country
cross country
cross country
cross country
We are so excited to see you!
over 1 year ago, Mandy Wolfe
welcome back to school
Students will be headed back to school tomorrow. We have changed our pick up procedure for the safety of our students. Please review our new PICK-UP PROCEDURE!! Please DO NOT arrive before 1:00 on a 1:22 dismissal day. Pick-up students will not be released until 1:25. Please DO NOT arrive before 2:50 on a 3:10 dismissal day. Pick-up students will not be released until 3:13. Two lanes for pick up! New Kid Loading Zone! We are looking forward to a safe and fun-filled school year!!
over 1 year ago, Mandy Wolfe
pick up map
Exciting news!
over 1 year ago, Mandy Wolfe
meal grant